Friday, August 29, 2008

Big Girl Bed!

If there is one thing I have learned about being a mom it is that every stage Lexi has gone through has gone so fast. It seems like just yesterday that we transitioned her from her cradle in our bedroom to her big crib. Well, now the crib stage has ended,
Lexi now has her own big girl bed! I'll have to admit that it was/is quite emotional for me (well, everything makes me emotional since I am pregnant!) to move her to a big bed. It seems as if she isn't as much my baby, that she is all grown up. My mom keeps telling me that this is only one of the first steps in letting go. Ugh. Lexi on the other hand didn't have any trouble saying good bye to her crib and has been extremely excited about her big girl bed! So excited in fact, that we have been woken up at 5:00 (yes, AM) every morning with "Mommy, Daddy, I wake up!" Whoa, where is the kid that was sleeping until 7:30-8:00 every morning just 2 weeks ago? Hmmmm. We have decided, because we need our sleep, to institute the "good morning" light. For those of you who are unfamiliar, this is a nightlight on a timer. Lexi is not supposed (you notice I say supposed) to get out of bed until the light comes on. It did work this morning because we set it for 5:15 to give her a chance to be successful with the "good morning" light. Our hope is to gradually be able to set it later and later as she gets more used to it. We are hoping that she is merely in love with her new found freedom and that this too shall pass! Stay tuned for more updates! Here she is, the day we got the bed.

"MY big girl bed!"
So much fun to just hang out here
Wow! It is much easier to see what is happening in the backyard now. **Note I shut and locked the window pretty much for good since I took this picture!
Her first night...what an angel
Just before she fell out of bed, hit the pillows and rolled completely underneath the bed. Yeah, the next day...we got a bed rail! How can she sleep like that?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Weekend with the Girls

Saturday around lunch time, Shannon, Vanessa and I met up in Bellevue for a "leave the kids and husbands at home" girl's get away! It was so much fun. I honestly can't remember the last time when it was just the three of us for an extended period (well it was definitely before we all had children). We shopped, ate, LAUGHED, went to a 10:00 movie (again, when was the last time that happened?), shopped more and stayed up late talking...just like old times. As we were leaving each other on Sunday, we decided that this will become an annual event. Thanks girlys for the fun, I love you both!

We pause on the streets of Bellevue for a self portrait
Vanessa loves to organize and LOVES the Container Store!
This is our attempt at being green...we bought matching water bottles! Apparently Vanessa didn't get the memo to wear her purple shirt.
The sunset from our hotel...what a fun day!

Making "Fookies" with Mommy!

Last Friday was one of those days that seemed to go on forever. Maybe you've had a similar day? We had already played outside with water balloons, went for a walk, played inside, watched snippets of Annie, had lunch and taken a nap. Surely it was time for Chris to come home...nope, it's only 3:00. Being the creative (ha!) mom that I am, I thought it would be fun to bake cookies. Oh wait, it is almost 90 degrees outside, that would definitely not help the temperature level in our non air conditioned house. So what did we do? We made chocolate NO BAKE cookies. By the time we were done, the kitchen was covered in sugar and cocoa. We sure had a good time though. Just a side note-do NOT, I NOT use Splenda in place of the sugar for no bake cookies. Not so great!

This is the best part of cooking!
No, THIS is the best part of cooking!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Go Like the Big Boys!

This afternoon, Lexi wanted to wear her big girl panties again. The deal in our house is that she gets to wear her panties after she tries to go potty on the potty chair. She sat down for about 3 seconds and said "I tried!" then got back up. I encouraged her to try again to which she replied "Potty standing up" and proceeded to stand facing the potty chair, holding herself like daddy does. I quickly explained that only boys like Daddy go potty standing up and that because she is a girl, she gets to sit down. She looked at me like I was completely stupid and said "Go potty with Lexi's penis." Whoa, where did she get that? Potty training is proving to be a little bit of a challenge...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Big Girl Panties!

So, remember Lexi's fondness of the potty chair that I mentioned about a month ago? Yeah, that pretty much went away as quickly as it came on. Instead of hearing an enthusiastic "Yeah!" every time we would ask her if she wanted to sit on the potty, her response became "No nank you." At least she's polite, right? Well, we decided to pull out the big guns and go on a hunt for the coolest big girl panties in Bellingham. We talked about it ALL day and hyped it up big time! This afternoon, we headed to Fred Meyer to begin our search. There were quite a few choices (more than I imagined there would be). She chose princess panties as well as others that have flowers and hearts. She even showed her new panties to everyone in line "My big girl panties!" We're hoping that this excitment will encourage her to want to use the potty. We'll see, at least it worked for today!

The flowery panties!
So cute!
I love these things!
This is the 3rd pair she had on in about 10 minutes!

An Olympic Birthday!

Yesterday we celebrated Chris' 33rd birthday with cul-de-sac olympics. Yes that is right, in honor of the beginning of the Olympic Games, we decided to have our own version of the Olympics here at home. The events included: trike racing, water balloon toss, hobo golf and tournament Mario Kart on the Wii. We had a great time! Happy birthday honey!
What better pre-game food is there than a maple bar? Carbo loading is so important.
Maple bar and beer, just the right combo for a successful race.

Gold medalist Staci on the trike track.
Ready to race!
Susan took a spill before the race even began!
Chris...the serious Olympian
Water balloon toss gold medalists Roselli and Dwyer. Can you guess where their balloons ended up?Lexi and Bryn were in charge of keeping track of the standings...
...or maybe just playing with their balloons!

A Budding Artist!

Last Christmas, Lexi received an art easel from Grammy and Papa. She immediately fell in love with it and has spent countless hours "writing" on the chalk and dry erase boards. This nifty easel also came with paints...very messy paints (in mommy's opinion). She has asked several times to use it. Chris and I (okay, mostly me!) always come up with some clever reason why now "just isn't the right time". Well, we decided to embrace the mess and let her go for it. One of daddy's old t-shirts worked as an artist's smock. Why did we wait so long? It was the cutest dang thing we've ever seen. Her art work is proudly displayed on the door of her toy closet.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Random Pictures and Thoughts...

Where have the past 2 weeks gone? I swear that I just posted something, but already it was two weeks ago. Oh how fast time goes...
The biggest news at the Roselli house, as most of you have probably heard by now, is that Lexi is going to be a big sister in the beginning of March! We are absolutely thrilled to add another little one to our family and know that we will be twice as blessed! We have been talking to Lexi about the baby and she knows it's in my tummy and is WAY excited. I don't think she quite understands however, that she will be sharing her parents, toys, house and life with a baby. It will be interesting! Below is a picture of her kissing the baby (so sweet!). Most days when asked she says that she wants a baby boy and wants to name him Baby Boy...probably not! A couple of weeks ago, we had our first ultrasound and the doctor said that everything looks perfect so far. The baby has a strong little heartbeat that we got to see. It is absolutely amazing to see a little baby, only the size of a grape, on the screen and know that it is a new life growing inside of me. I get teary every time I think of it. Our bodies are amazing, aren't they? We took Lexi to the appointment with us and when the baby was on the tv screen during the ultrasound we told her that was she was seeing was the baby. Well for several days after that when we asked her where the baby was, she would say "on tv!" So cute! We have another ultrasound on Monday, which will be cool. All of this feels just as exciting the second time around. So, between trying to nap when Lexi does (I am WAY more tired this time), playing, attending a conference all last week at Western and keeping up with my family, I haven't had time to blog. Here are some random pictures from the last couple of weeks. Enjoy!
Big Sister giving baby a kiss.

Playing dress up with mommy's heels! Please note that they are on the wrong feet!

All bathed and smelling good before bed.

Go Vikings!

Thanks C.J. and Finn for my new train set! I love it.


She decided to put her tights on her head. She looks like she has floppy puppy ears!

Toddler Gymnastics class!

A future Olympic gymnast.

Lexi's first zip line ride. Thanks Teacher Jill for helping!

Gym buddies, Lexi and Kira!