Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Fun New Year

What a great new year it's been, and we're not even through our first month! With the weather being so nice, Lexi has helped daddy pull blackberries from the green belt, we've gone on long bike rides (with Amy's new bike!), spent a lot of time with friends, and so much more. We are blessed and so fortunate. Here's to a fun 2010! (Amy and Chris head to Disneyland in less than a week, President's Day weekend coming at the Beatte cabin, we're going to take a crack at the game of curling up in B.C. (a week before the Olympics), and in one month, Alyssa turns 1 year old! Life is good!

For new years eve, Lexi and her friends Brynn and Elizabeth played princess dress up while the rest of us played games, ate, and...ahem...drank.

Nothing like curing your new years eve hangover by participating in the Comeau-Kagel polar bear swim in Lake Whatcom! January has been so warm, it wasn't all too bad since the water was colder than the air outside.

The six brilliant minds who thought this is a good idea.

Ahhh...a cool 52 degrees is what the water temp was. And it was so windy, the lake actually had waves. In we went and out we came to ring in the new year!

Lexi's one of the funniest little girls we know (we're biased), but her personality is truly coming through. We laugh hard every day thanks to her humor and love for life.

Taking a short playtime break for a photo. The girls LOVE their bath time...especially when dad joins them.

Chris' cousin Danielle and her husband, Juddy, introduced their beautiful daughter, Radler into the world. Danielle brought her over to meet our girls. She's beautiful.

Alyssa is crawling now, which means that she is really good at playing by herself! She absolutely loves the activity table...and we couldn't resist the pic with those toes and her out of control hair.

Speaking of out of control hair. Nothing like a little post bath lotion to add a little pizzazz. Rock on sister. Rock on.

We're trying to teach Lexi how do do the floppy face. Instead, it keeps coming out like she's doing the jitterbug.

We love how her whole entire face lights up when she smiles.

Chris had to work in Bellevue last Saturday, so Amy and the girls came down to meet him after his meeting and we went to the Seattle Center. We first stopped at the Children's Museum, but it was a short visit becuase 10 minutes in, Lexi barfed. It must have been something she at because after that she felt MUCH better. Since we told her we'd show her the "big fountain", we stopped here briefly before heading home.

Lexi at the museum about 3 minutes before barfing. Luckily she was out of the whale's mouth before spewing. Maybe she was seasick...

Mom decided to have a little fun with Alyssa's hair while playing in her exersaucer. And, as always, Alyssa's cool with whatever.

You win if you can guess what she's snacking on. (Hint, look at her hand)

A week after the new year, Alyssa started crawling. She's WAY less fussy now that she can go where she wants to go! What a big girl.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Yeah, we're still alive...

Wow! I knew that working full time was going to be hard, but I didn't know it would prevent me from keeping up on the blog. I will try to be better about it in 2010. Here's an attempt to get you caught up....
The Monday before Thanksgiving, Chris' dad underwent quintuple (yes, that's 5!) bypass surgery. The surgery was flawless and he is recovering like a champ. We are so grateful for modern medicine and truly had so much to be thankful for this year as we sat around the dinner table. Here he is with the girls, the day before surgery.

And here he is with the girls 4 days post surgery. Amazing!

Pre-bath photo op

Seriously? How can you not love those eyes?

Alyssa is on the verge of crawling (which worked out to our advantage since she couldn't really mess with the tree all that much). However, she did scoot herself several times to explore the lights and ornaments.

We went to Warm Beach Camp to see the Christmas light display. It was amazing, although pouring rain. Alyssa was a trooper in her stroller and loved looking at all of the lights.

Mommy and Lexi rode the Polar Express around the camp

Santa came to our house on the 22nd before we headed to Vancouver
We celebrated a wonderful Christmas in Vancouver with our families. Aside from both girls having fevers and Lexi getting croup, we had a great time. This was Alyssa's first Christmas. She was mostly interested in eating the wrapping paper and watching all of the chaos around her. Lexi on the otherhand is a present un-wrapping expert! It was fun for Chris and I to watch Christmas through her eyes this year. Everything was so magical and it made it that much more fun for us. We feel so fortunate to have spent the holidays with both families and cherish the memories we have made together.

Working on a gingerbread house with Grammy. Grammy did most of the work, Lexi ate most of the candy.

Christmas Eve

Grammy and Lexi

Papa, Grammy and the girls

Daddy and Alyssa

The never ending quest for a good family photo


Grandpa and Grandma and the girls

All of the Rosellis were in town for Christmas this year. So fun! Lots of late nights talking, playing games and watching movies.

Post Christmas get together with the Haynes families and kids. Lexi and Hadley are new buddies.

Cr-Azy haired Alyssa!
Happy 2010~