Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Caught Ya Purple Handed!

On Sunday night, we were visiting with a friend in our living room, Lexi was playing nicely by herself in the kitchen. A few moments later this is what the conversation sounded like...
Amy: "Chris, can you see Lexi in the kitchen?"
Chris: "No I can't."
Lara (our friend): "I think she is playing with the magnets."
Amy: "It's awfully quiet in there."
(Lara gets up to check)
Lara: "Oh my Gosh!" (Then she doubles over in laughter)
Here is what we saw...
This was a whole container of purple cookie sprinkles that Lexi had opened and had been shoving in her mouth handful after handful. They are now almost gone!

What? I didn't do anything, there is no evidence!

You caught me! I'm guilty!

But aren't I cute with my purple hands, face, lips and teeth?
We tried really hard not to laugh, but how could you not? You notice we also took advantage of the photo opportunity before cleaning her up. Parent lesson learned...when it is "too quiet", go check!

Just a random cute picture from this evening. She was enjoying a yogurt covered pretzel for dessert after dinner.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Just an Update!

There hasn't been anything too extraordinary going on at our house...just regular life. We made it through a bout of the flu with Lexi a couple of weeks ago and it is pretty much business as usual! Thought I'd share some random photos/videos of the last week. Lexi is becoming quite the character...don't know where she gets that. Enjoy!

Sharing cereal with mommy before heading out for the day.

Making homemade pizza for dinner. Of course she insisted on doing everything by herself.

Say "Pizza!"

Hey Uncle Tom, hang loose (we've been practicing for when we see you at Thanksgivng!)

Who called the plumber? "Fixing" the garbage disposal with daddy!