Monday, April 27, 2009


Whenever people see Alyssa, they comment on how much she looks like Lexi did when she was a baby. Here is a comparison...

Here they are today...

Alyssa 2 months old...

Lexi in the same dress at 2 months (with the bloomers on her head!) . What do you think? I think they are related. :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Opening day...go Mariners!

Last Tuesday, we continued our tradition of attending the Mariners opening day at Safeco Field. We took both girls and they did great! Lexi loved cheering "Go Ichiro (Ichi-woh)!" It was awesome to be in the crowd as Seattle welcomed Griffey back. The stadium was absolutely deafening! The sun shone, the roof was open and we had a great time.

This is actually our very first family photo with all four of us.

Lexi got to have cotton candy for the very first time! What a special treat. "Mommy, can I have more cotton please?"

Our sweet baby slept almost the whole time except to eat and take a peek at the score every once in awhile.

Mommy and Alyssa

Lexi, Daddy and Uncle Adam

Chris is so excited that his daughter LOVES baseball!

...I think it's cool too!

Self potrait with Auntie Staci!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Lexi!

Sunday, April 5 marked Lexi's 3rd birthday! The sun shined down on Lexi's day as she was joined by many of her family and friends. Thanks to all who shared in this wonderful day with us. You'll see by these pics that she hardly stopped smiling all day - a truly special day.

Giddy with anticipation!

Don't we all eat the frosting first?

The Easter Egg Hunt Gang

Look how many eggs I got!

And even Vic, Lexi's favorite mascot came to wish her a happy birthday! Thanks Vic!

Vic, Alyssa (Lexi's sister), and Grandpa Roselli

Kisses all around for Grammy!

Still smiling. This time while playing with the parachute.

A little game of parachute popcorn.

Currently Lexi's favorit song is "Celebration" by Kool & the Gang. Here's her reaction when her birthday card from grandma started playing that song.

One candle down, two to go.

Thanks Auntie Staci for bringing the jump ropes. We all double-dutched, single roped, and as shown in this picture, jumped over the sleeping snakes.

Jump roping with daddy.