Monday, April 20, 2009

Opening day...go Mariners!

Last Tuesday, we continued our tradition of attending the Mariners opening day at Safeco Field. We took both girls and they did great! Lexi loved cheering "Go Ichiro (Ichi-woh)!" It was awesome to be in the crowd as Seattle welcomed Griffey back. The stadium was absolutely deafening! The sun shone, the roof was open and we had a great time.

This is actually our very first family photo with all four of us.

Lexi got to have cotton candy for the very first time! What a special treat. "Mommy, can I have more cotton please?"

Our sweet baby slept almost the whole time except to eat and take a peek at the score every once in awhile.

Mommy and Alyssa

Lexi, Daddy and Uncle Adam

Chris is so excited that his daughter LOVES baseball!

...I think it's cool too!

Self potrait with Auntie Staci!


Courtney said...

How awesome!! We need to get up there for a game or two this year! I love Alyssa's hat :)

Vanessa said...

So much fun! Great pictures. See, who says you can't go places with kids?!?!

Staci said...

A belated thanks for yet another fantastic Opening Day! Go Mariners!