Well, summer has come to an end. School has started for Amy and Western begins Wednesday. It was a fantastic summer and this past month was awesome. We took the girls to the Northwest Washington Fair in Lynden, spent the weekend in Bellevue with the Viles and Quintanos while grandma and grandpa watched the kids, had the Terry, Kate, Henry, and Lucy Miller in town over Labor Day weekend, had grammy and papa up for the weekend, celebrated neighbor Maddie's sixth birthday, and now...back to the grind. It has been a crazy busy last month and we wouldn't change a thing.
Lexi on a Mini Shetland Pony for Maddie's 6th birthday!!
Mommy and Lexi having a little snuggle time outside.
"Daddy! Put Alyssa in bed with me"
Alyssa doesn't look particularly thrilled.
Look at that concentration. She's going to pummel that ball!
(she missed)
First Barrette!
Grandma made pine cone bird feeders with Lexi
and they were so popular, that grammy and Lexi
refilled them!
We're pretending to sleep, but Lexi had a tough
time keeping a straight face.
"Daddy, let's be silly."
Lexi and Lucy sharing the Miller's stroller when
they were in town. Thanks for coming up, Millers!
Moms and their girls.
Pals on the boardwalk.
Lucy is beautiful even when she's sick.
Slumber party time with Henry!
The girls before going out on the town in Bellevue.
After going out on the town...or was it before?
I don't remember.
Just before we started jumping on the bed
in the hotel room.
Spinning and spinning! Lexi LOVED this ride.
Lexi's first roller coaster ride. Two thumbs up!
Donuts? Check. Corn Dog? Check.
Great time at the fair? Check.
"Come on dad. Enough with the bottle already.
How 'bout some of that cotton candy!
One happy girl.
The girls happy in great papa's arms.