Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Big Week!

What an exciting couple of days it has been at our house! On Tuesday, Lexi started showing an interest in using the potty and each day since has successfully used her potty chair several times! As funny as it seems, it is a little sad for me because it means that my baby is growing up. I quickly get over that when I think of the money we will be saving without diaper costs! Stay tuned for more updates on the potty training saga... The other big news is that Lexi has her own bike (trike) and helmet. Doesn't she look adorable? We are still working on how to use the pedals, her feet tend to slip off a bit. She just looks so grown up on the bike. Where does time go?

Such a big girl!
Lexi and Maddie (our neighbor) playing on the slide in our backyard.
Look, it's a tunnel! Peek a boo!
Lexi and Daddy were playing hide and seek and it was Lexi's turn to hide. She chose to hide in the middle of the living room. If I can't see you, you can't see me!

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Way to go Lexi! What a perfect time to potty train with you being home for the summer! It was a big week:)