Monday, August 11, 2008

Go Like the Big Boys!

This afternoon, Lexi wanted to wear her big girl panties again. The deal in our house is that she gets to wear her panties after she tries to go potty on the potty chair. She sat down for about 3 seconds and said "I tried!" then got back up. I encouraged her to try again to which she replied "Potty standing up" and proceeded to stand facing the potty chair, holding herself like daddy does. I quickly explained that only boys like Daddy go potty standing up and that because she is a girl, she gets to sit down. She looked at me like I was completely stupid and said "Go potty with Lexi's penis." Whoa, where did she get that? Potty training is proving to be a little bit of a challenge...


Courtney said...

Hi Amy!! This reminded me of once when Sophie told me she wanted me to wipe her butt, but when I did, she said "No mommy, wipe my front butt" The things they say are so darn funny :) Congrats on your pregnancy! I hope you are feeling well.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Love it Lexi! You are the cutest little thing ever!! Henry just talks about going on the "baby" toilet so he can get an M&M. And when he toots, he turns around and says "poop?" like, did I poop mama?

Amy, how are you feeling?