Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Weekend with the Girls

Saturday around lunch time, Shannon, Vanessa and I met up in Bellevue for a "leave the kids and husbands at home" girl's get away! It was so much fun. I honestly can't remember the last time when it was just the three of us for an extended period (well it was definitely before we all had children). We shopped, ate, LAUGHED, went to a 10:00 movie (again, when was the last time that happened?), shopped more and stayed up late talking...just like old times. As we were leaving each other on Sunday, we decided that this will become an annual event. Thanks girlys for the fun, I love you both!

We pause on the streets of Bellevue for a self portrait
Vanessa loves to organize and LOVES the Container Store!
This is our attempt at being green...we bought matching water bottles! Apparently Vanessa didn't get the memo to wear her purple shirt.
The sunset from our hotel...what a fun day!

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

I had so much fun. Love ya babe!