Friday, January 23, 2009

Baby Update...

We are quicky approaching Alyssa's due date! It is so hard to imagine that in just a few short weeks, we will meet our other precious baby girl. We can't wait (okay, maybe we can wait a little while longer!). On Monday, my doctor decided that I needed to stop working and stay at home on bed rest. Because of the complications I had at the end of my pregnancy with Lexi (high blood pressure, kidney and liver near-shut down) this pregnancy has been considered high risk. Although I have and continue to be completely healthy this pregnancy, the doctor feels that I need to be on bed rest to help assure that things will stay okay. So...I said goodbye to my students today and will return to teaching next fall. I have to admit, I was ready to be done working and am looking forward to a little quiet time at home before Alyssa arrives. Since I will probably have some time in the next few weeks, let me know if you have a good book or movie recommendation! More updates to come as we know more...


Vanessa said...

Read the Twilight series, seriously, it's great!

Anonymous said...

We will be thinking of you guys over the next few weeks and praying for a safe and healthy delivery for you and Alyssa! You are right...enjoy some quiet time before the next wild ride and sleepless nights begin! :-)

Staci said...

I would agree with Vanessa on this one. Only about 250 pages into Twilight and loving it! I will pass it along as soon as I finish!
p.s. Thanks again for the cheese delivery!

Unknown said...

oh Amy, ENJOY this quiet time! It's total chaos once #2 arrives. Amazing, but crazy all at the same time. Terry often has to remind me, this is a really hard time...but also the only time we will ever do this. It's so true...they change and grow so quickly. Prop your feet up and enjoy!

I read all three of Emily Giffin's novels before I had Lucy. Fun, Quick, Girly reads!!