Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Mish Mash of Stuff!

It's been busy around our house the last week or so. Here is an overview of what's been happening! No baby yet, but lots of other things...

Helping with "clean up" after making pink Rice Krispie Treats for Valentine's Day


Lexi's collection of valentines from her friends at Katrina's house.

What a silly family I have.

On Valentine's Day, Lexi was invited to a party at Bellingham Bay Gymnastics by our friends the Singletarys. She had a great time on the balance beam, bars, mats and zip line. Of course it was all concluded with cupcakes decorated with candy and balloons to take home. What a fun party. Thanks for the invite Katie Ray!

Making waves with the parachute.

A tea party with Anya Winter after eating cupcakes.

In an effort to prep the yard for spring, Chris ordered a load of both dirt and bark dust. He spent all day today spiffing up the flower beds. Lexi spent the day climbing up the piles and digging in the dirt.

Lexi busily digging in the dirt.
Stay tuned for baby updates.....think soon, very soon.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Soon, soon, VVVVEEEERRRRYYY soon!