Thursday, February 5, 2009

Such a big Girl!

Lexi has shifted into big girl mode in the last week...all on her own doing, I might add. She is no longer interested in anyone helping her get dressed, go to the potty or make her bed. She is excited to do all of these things by herself! Yesterday and the day before, Lexi got up before I did. When I wandered out of our room, I found her in the bathroom with her nighttime Pull Up off, jammies off, going potty all by herself! Wow! In addition, last week we switched from wearing Pull Ups during the day to wearing big girl panties! Seems like small beans? Not to us. After 2 1/2 years of changing diapers and dealing with bulky Pull Ups, we are happy to say goodbye to these items and hello to big girl panties...oh yeah, in 3 weeks we go back to diapers! Well, a short break is better than nothing.

Doesn't she look grown up?

Her first day wearing "big girl panties" all day long. We made a huge deal of it!


Anonymous said...

Wow!! she is getting so big!! we sure miss you guys and keep you all in our prayers. especially in the coming weeks with Alyssa coming..please let us know when you can when she makes her you lots, love, Jen

Unknown said...

Yes, she is sure growing up and fast, I might say, as it seems like she realizes that she will have a little Sister soon and wants to help.

Good luck in a couple of weeks.

Love Great Papa,Grandma and Charlie.

Alyssa will be # 16 Great Grand Child.

Courtney said...

Yeah Lexie!! Full time in panties in a very big deal!!

Anonymous said...

It was so fun to see you last night, Amy. You are a darling mother and I think I'm in love with those beautiful little girls. Our "girls' weekend" many years ago is a very fond memory for me. Keep up the great job! Give Chris a hug from me.
