Sunday, April 5 marked Lexi's 3rd birthday! The sun shined down on Lexi's day as she was joined by many of her family and friends. Thanks to all who shared in this wonderful day with us. You'll see by these pics that she hardly stopped smiling all day - a truly special day.

Giddy with anticipation!

Don't we all eat the frosting first?

The Easter Egg Hunt Gang

Look how many eggs I got!

And even Vic, Lexi's favorite mascot came to wish her a happy birthday! Thanks Vic!

Vic, Alyssa (Lexi's sister), and Grandpa Roselli

Kisses all around for Grammy!

Still smiling. This time while playing with the parachute.

A little game of parachute popcorn.

Currently Lexi's favorit song is "Celebration" by Kool & the Gang. Here's her reaction when her birthday card from grandma started playing that song.

One candle down, two to go.

Thanks Auntie Staci for bringing the jump ropes. We all double-dutched, single roped, and as shown in this picture, jumped over the sleeping snakes.

Jump roping with daddy.
Precious photos and memories. Thanks for sharing!
lexi's got leaps!!
Oh the fun that was had at Lexi's b-day party! Thanks for the fun!
So glad I could spread some jump rope love.
Love ya!
Lexi's party looks like so much fun! What a beautiful day to be outside!
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